

Sunday, May 8, 2011

Happy Mother's Day

At the dawn of Mother's Day (and I literally mean the break of dawn). I was greeted with "Mommy, Happy Mother's Day I am going to do everything for you today!" Pause..."Mommy, can you get me some breakfast?".  And so starts the Mother's Day. Before I was a mother I thought this was a day of pampering and relaxing for mom, but once a mother you know that relaxing and pampering are not part of the daily ritual. Making breakfast, lunch, potty breaks, changing diapers and soothing boo-boo's are more like it.
I realize now that no matter what day it is, it's always mother's day because as a mother, we are always on duty. The best present doesn't happen on Mother's Day neccesarily, it happen on any ordinary day when your children tell you what a great mom you are or when they do something (like using good manners or making a good decision) to let you know without saying anything at all, that you are a great mom.
To all the Mama's out there....
Happy Mother's Day (today and everyday)


Stacy said...

Well put! Happy mother's day.

Can-U-V said...

So true! You ARE a great Mommy, Chels!

Anonymous said...

You are a GREAT mom! Happy Mother's Day to you!

I know this is coming from the Mom of the exhausted new "dad" in the picture! But this can be a reminder: There are only so many things you can teach your children, the rest, well, it's in their control.

P.S: He was the child who never wanted to take a nap! Ha!


Laurie Cornelius said...

So well put! Hope you had a wonderful day and we can't wait to see you, Chris, and the girls in a few weeks!:)